
::Lainey, Reese, & Brooklyn :: {Washington, Children’s Lifestyle Photographer}

What was this? It couldn’t be! Was that called sunshine?? Yesterday it happened. It came in nice & bright filling up the corners of the house with light, pointing out all of the cobwebs and fingerprints on my window glass. Proving to me that I had to take these girls of mine & flee from our box that we have been trapped in for so long. We did. Traveled down the hill, visited Starbucks {I tried this Cinnamon Dolce drink my friend suggested, and it was amazing….but I made it a mocha instead of a latte, it’s like a chocolate cinnamon roll ~ you gotta try it}, then ventured around town and ended up down at the river.

The girls had so much fun. It is getting easier for me to do stuff with them by myself, during the days, while daddy is at work. They are learning to listen better, or maybe I am just getting braver. I don’t dare take on the mall by myself with all three of them, but the beach, with no cars around~ I’m golden. Anyways, point is, yesterday was a much needed day & the images captured totally melt me & will soon be plastered all over my walls. Today we will tackle some of those cobwebs & fingerprints.

I love it when they are sweet to eachother.

I think Brooklyn looked up maybe twice the entire time we were there. 🙂

This one of Lainey cracks me up, I swear I don’t know where she gets it! haha

Brookey would rather sit in the dirty sand than on a log any day.

children reinvent your world for you {susan sarandon}
