
The Enemy to Creativity…..

“The worst enemy to creativity is self- doubt.”Sylvia Plath

  I dressed myself in one of my typical fall outfits – rather plain but layered up. Jeans, blue knit sweater, printed scarf and boots.

Hair pulled back into a messy pony tail and just some blush on the cheeks – just enough so it looked like I hadn’t just rolled out of bed.

I looked in the mirror. I was good. I was totally fine with myself. Didn’t really think twice. Whatever, I’m cool…

Later that afternoon…

I walked into a room  to meet  people who I knew were talented creatives – people I didn’t know personally – people who didn’t know me.

Whoah….Am I good enough?

Will they except me?

 I don’t fit in… they look so…I don’t know…. rock star… then I’m over here like, little plain country girl.

nervousness? anxiety? This isn’t me…. how can I wake up feeling brilliant and on top of the world but then doubt everything about myself a few hours later?

I’m not in my comfortable element….

Maybe this won’t work… I should probably go back home and just keep doing what I do – I don’t like the feeling of pushing myself too hard…. right?

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror.I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”  Eleanor Roosevelt 

What happens when we push ourselves outside of our comfort zone? When we dip our toes into experiences that we are unfamiliar with…

We open our minds.

We gain confidence.

It gets easier….

“Decide that you want it – more than you are afraid of it.” -Bill Cosby 

What holds us back?

Is it our fear of failure?


Why does it even matter if we fail?

I’m pretty sure everyone is scared, yet everyone doesn’t want anyone to see us make mistakes.

Why is that?

What if failure is just another word for good old fashioned learning?

Don’t let  fear immobilize you.  Don’t let it freeze you from trying.

“If we did ALL of the things we were capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” -Tomas Edison

We ALL have gifts to give the world. We ALL  possess creativity. Don’t let self-doubt steal your creative.

Who are we not to be amazing?

Shake off the small little horned guy on your left shoulder telling you – to go run and hide in your corner of the world. That guy is totally the worst.

Don’t shrink back. Stand up and believe in yourself.

Encourage others to believe in themselves.

Believe ME … If  YOU believe in YOU – you will make it.

You are awesome. Be that everyday – don’t let anyone or any thought tell you otherwise.

“Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.” -Mark Twain

I’m back to feeling capable-

Who cares if I don’t “dress” the same, talk the same or even make sense half of the time…

I am me… and that’s exactly who I want to be.

I’ve rid my mind of the self doubt – I’m glad I pushed myself… and I can only hope for great things to come.

Hope this encourages someone…

xoxo – Heidi
